Thursday, November 8

Friday and Audun Bell

 Yesterday the weather became a little better than the day before but the waves rolled to the shore from heavy storm outside the coast.
 Like Robinson Crouso we discovered footprints in the sand this afternoon . Could it be Friday?
 The footprints ended in the fierce wave foam and no Friday could be seen in the sea. Btw yesterday was wednesday

However, on this Thursday, we found somebody else. My friend from the TX community, Audun Bell wanted to mark and celebrate his 22 years since his heart transplantation, and a nice talk and some Cava was an excellent way to do so.
Audun (living in Marbella during wintertime) is a person we always look forward to meet during our own stay at Costa delSol.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Her så det da virkelig ut som om en kunne trivdes du!!! ditt første her var kjempefint Arne :-)

Kos dåkk videre i varmen, ingenting å lengte hjem til.
