Saturday, March 24

Light rain

This morning we have had light rain from a grey sky. Nobody is at the pool and we have to come up with alternatives for the activities. For my wife that is no problem. She can go shopping without spoiling a single minute of sunbathing, but I may sit here with my MacBook Air and discuss with myself if I too shall get an iPad 3 like my daughter, or what.


Rune Eide said...

Kanskje det er derfor vi har fått solen? :-)

PS Håper alt står bra til helsemessig.

PPS Ny godkjenning for ett år fra RH, men en liten biopsi "på toppen".

Anne said...

Godt å se at dere fortsatt har det bra der nede, og jeg har kost meg med bildene dine Arne, litt nytt uutforsket område for min del :-)