Sunday, December 25

Christmas 2011 in Stavangergata and Tycoch Road

This year we celebrated Christmas Eve together with Rikke and Tor-Marius and their family in their new home in Stavangergata.
The dinner table was covered with Christmas plates and red tulips. The food (Svineribbe) prepared by Tor-Marius was excellent.
Under the Christmas tree Julenissen had already delivered the Christmas gifts and Rikke was showing Mari the lights and glitter and the star at the top.
The two sisters were playing nicely together during the opening of some parcels prior to dinner. Don´t let the children wait too long in their excitement on a day like this.
Mari was also happy on granddad´s knee. An extremely kind and relaxed child. Hope I can say the same in some years time.
Maja got skis from Mormor and Bestefar, and on Christmas Day morning she tried them on the living room floor. Now it is only to wait for the snow to fall on the ground outside their apartment
The largest parcel in the evening and for Maja was an electronic kitchen to play with. The assembling process took some time, but that´s what daddies like most.
The most loved gift for Tullen was the 2012 calendar with photos of the Bjørkmann Solsrud family and their activities in 2011.
An email with photo from Swansea with the Berry family having traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner (Pinnekjøtt) makes the day complete. Looking forward to see you within a week here in Norway.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Hilsninger herfra også :-)