Monday, October 17

Autumn gathering in Norwegian Highlands

Last weekend the Old Bunch (Gamlegjengen) had their annual autumn meeting at the old mountain farm "Søre Knipa" Lesjaverk, Oppland.
On Saturday we went for a picknick at Lorkvenne close to the river Lora.
"Lorkvenne" is an old mill, located in the estuary of the Lordal river in Lesja municipality. The mill was used from before 1326 to 1943. At the turn of the millennium, Lesja Historical Society decided to restore the mill. Today the mill looks as it did several hundred years ago. Ditches and dams have been dug and dammed up again like they once was. The mill is partially notched up again with a new water wheel, but the same old stones still do the job of making grain into flour. Both the stable and several houses have been restored. There is also built a new water-driven pestle.
At the mill we met a local guide who took us around and talked about the different activities that now have been restored and in operation for demonstration.
The water flow and wheels showed us that high quality engineering has been part of our culture for hundreds of years. Improvements in science educations for pupils in the Norwegian school system must therefore be done to catch up with our ancestors up to 500 years ago.
Rumors of Bear observation and visual contact with Eagles in the sky accompanied us during the lunch although the temperature was around zero C.
This painting of a Reindeer Buck can be seen in the millers cottage. If possible, make a visit and learn more about Lesja


ArneA said...

comments are too difficult

Anne said...

Godt en har gode venner å varme seg på, for det så jammen bitte litt hustre kaldt ut :-) men trivelig da gitt!!