Tuesday, November 11

Pinnekjøtt, Christmas dish no 1

We have at home already tasted Rakfisk and Lutefisk (several times) this season. Today we are opening the Christmas Table season by having Pinnekjøtt at our favorite restaurant Cafe Christiania.

Café Christiania opened its doors on 1 November 2005.The restaurant is divided into several sections and has space for around 280 guests in total.

Closest to the Parliament Street is the café section, called Buen (the Bow), which overlooks Eidsvolls plass and Karl Johans gate. Farther inside is Landhandleriet (the Country Store), the main room of the restaurant, which has its own Chambre Separée with space for private parties of up to 80 guests.

The restaurant´s Wine Cellar is strategically positioned inside the restaurant itself. Thus you have the opportunity to bring guests in to view the wines at first hand.

Øl-bordet (the Beer Table) closest to the kitchen and a fireplace is a special attraction, serving 3, 5 and 7-course menus based around beer – and where guests can pour their own beer from taps hanging down from the ceiling.

During spring and summer, outdoor service are provided on the roof terrace – called Folketinget (Parliament) – which can seat 110 people. Mashed rutabagas or Swede (picture above / not people) are mandatory together with pinnekjøtt, and if you feel for preparing your own Christmas food based upon Norwegian traditions, please follow this link.


Ivar Østtun said...

Jammi, hvorfor måtte du legge ut dete nå da. Tennene løper i vann. Dette er favorittmat. Med god øl og akke til. Hmmmm, tror jeg blir hjemme og spiser i dag jeg :-)

Maria Verivaki said...

i LOVE your post today - swedish food at its best!
i think i'm going to make some of these dishes, like the pinnekjott and the rutabaga mash - it looks great!

Pernille said...

ÅÅÅÅÅÅ, du vet hvorda du skal friste oss. Det ser jeg. No ble jeg sulten. Absolutt det beste med hele jula er lutefisk og pinnekjøtt med øl og akkevitt. Å gu, kan noe være bedre! Nydelig bilde av min favoritt her.
Cafè Christiania må jeg sjekke ut på min handletur før jul;) Ser kjempekoselig ut:)

Maria Verivaki said...

whoops, i meant norwegian - got confused with the 'swedes'!

mrsnesbitt said...

Swede is called Turnip here in Yorkshire. As a child I was told to eat it up and really did not care for it, but now it is one of my favourites. I am cooking Christmas Dinner for 8, all of our family and I cook turnip, parsnip and carrot together which I then mash with cream and pepper. Absolutely wonderful!

Dick said...

Oh it looks really nice but I have no idea how it will taste.

Unknown said...

Den så veldig fristene ut den pinnekjøtt tallerken der. Her har det blitt to runder med lutfisk så langt i år. Det blir nok noen runder med pinnekjøtt også :)

Petunia said...

Jeg spiser ikke pinnekjøtt før i desember. Av prinsipp!!!!Men kan godt ha pinnekjøttrester som påskemiddag. Jula varer helt til påske, vet du;)
Håper det smakte!

Torsdag 1952 said...

Hallo Arne,
I have never been in Norway at christmastime, so I never tasted pinnekjøt with rutabaga.
I think I like it because my favourit is fårikål with potatoes and "bayersk øl".
... and this is my favourite place for rakfisk www.anneshage.no.
Rakfisk, a good fresh bred from Hadeland Glassverk bakeriet and Gammel Opland a top combination !!!!
Tennene løper i vann.

Unknown said...

Ja, dette var fristende! Jeg er også en av de som vil prøve Cafe Christiania neste gang jeg er i Oslo. Kanskje allerede neste uke? Super link til norske juletradisjoner du har lagt inn.

Gine said...

Dette ser jo bare super lekkert ut YUMMY
Her driver vi og pakke masse pinnekjøtt for og fådet ut til sultne normenn i USA =)
Må nok vente til romjulen før jeg får satt tenna i mitt..men fenalåret er allerede inviet