Wednesday, October 22

Bjarne Håkon and his Blog

Some weeks ago I blogged about Organ Donation and the Ministry of Health and Care Services in Norway and the Minister Bjarne Håkon Hansen´s initiative under the name Samhandlingsreformen.

Today he is on the web launching his own blog: Bjarne Håkon Hansens Samhandlingsblogg.

Hopefully he will find a way to do as many other bloggers, add a Translator to his blog, letting non Norwegian also take part in his The Coordination Reform

For many of us totally dependent on the services he is set to manage, this is an opportunity to communicate with the Minister and his staff in a modern way.
Use it!


Anne said...

Veit du.... æ synes hainn e litt søt æ, sjer snill ut gjør hainn å ja :-)

Marie said...

Då eg snakka om å bli mett eller å bli mat tenkte eg først og fremst på insekt... Der trur eg faktisk at livet handlar om mat og forplantning.

Elles er eg enig med deg om at DET ER GODT Å LEVE!!!