Sunday, March 9

Street Art as a notion

In many ABC Wed. Blogs last week the G is for Graffiti was used. In comments many also gave the impression that Graffiti is Great, Wonderful, Exciting and something that they love to see.
Sorry, I disagree.

However, Street Art is something different although this kind of "decorating" the city also can be seen as vandalism of other persons property. Some of the Street Artists around the world have during the years become famous through ordinary paintings and graphic art, and city counsels have had discussions about all the millions they have overpainted and removed. Street Art is not meant to last. They are made for and in the moment, the process is most important. You have to be a morning city walker to see some of them. That´s why you always have to carry your camera and make history. Yesterday I made one of these shots at Ruseløkka in Oslo.

Street Art in larger scale and even more as official decoration have I documented in Madrid and in Brussels.


Anne said...

Hmmm, vet ikke helt jeg... heller.
Sikkert vanskelig å få til, men pent er det dog ikke.

Husker du innlegget der GaWo laget en liten grafitti i ei busslomme ?? Ikke til å tro...

Koser du deg med den nye maskina, og har en trivelig stund?
Jeg humrer fortsatt over kommentaren til Rune i går..., kanskje en skulle stille som leketøy for noen, mens en ennå er i stand til å forhandle pris.... :-) Gubben her brukte jo sine midler på høytaler !!

Og du må sende meg en mail med adressen din, for har en liten ting til deg, liten ja :-)

VP said...

Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you after ABC, but I've been ill this week.

Anyway, I'm glad I was delayed as this post adds greatly to the discussion we had on street art over at my blog. Now I understand your viewpoint much better :)

Michele said...

I am an artist as well and there is a difference between grafitti and street art. I used to do murals which is a type of art that is done on walls at the permission of owners. I do NOT like graffiti and think it's awful and degrading and is ugly and costs taxpayers much money to have it removed. Again, this is just my opinion. Good post.