Sunday, March 16

Monday Odd Shots and a little more

First I want to make my contribution to the Monday Odd Shots; The roots of trees at Høvik and the Veritas Garden.
This recreation area became open for the public after DNV took over the area mid 70s and build the great Veritas Center as the company´s Head Quarter. In addition we made a previously closed park available for people by making paths in the forest and small walking roads close to the sea. Yesterday thousands of people was strolling along the beach, licking sunshine and looking at the spring flower - Blue Anemone (blåveis)At Høvikodden and Henie Onstad Kunstsenter we can now see an exhibition of The Norwegian painter Arne Ekeland.
Ekeland´s works has for many years been my very most unobtainable. Prices far above my no Lotto winning wallet. I fell in love with Arne Ekelands art at a visit to Trondhjems Kunstforening in 1984 and hardly regret that his art only after his death in 1994 has got the place it should have had many years ago. His clear political view may be one of the problems. This is also expressed through his paintings.
I really hope the plans for a permanent museum for his art can be realized and end up with more than his studio at Bøn in Eidsvoll.

In the mean time and until until May 18 his monumental works can be seen at the walls of the Haaken Room. If it is not possible to go there, take a lokk at My photos of Ekeland from the gallery. I have added two here.
The Ammunition Beltand the Divorce


mrsnesbitt said...

Monday odd shots sounds a good one! Where can I find out more?

Some of the figures in the second painting reminded me of the Oscar trophy. They certainly showed more LIFE than the Oscar examples. Come to think of it, what an interesting commission it would be to depict the various categoroes through sculptures other than present every winner with the same one! Hope you understand my rambling! LOL!

HildeS/Frøken Fryd said...

Veritas parken har eg gått tur i ein gang eg var på besøk hos min venninnes bror som jobba der og budde på Høvik.
Nydeleg park og flotte stiar rundtomkring, etter som eg huskar:)
Måleria til Arne Ekeland er sterke og flotte.
Ha ein fin mandag.

ANNA-LYS said...

ArneA I wish upon You a lovely Easter Holiday! *klem*

Berit T said...

Spennende utstilling!

Innom for å ønske deg en fin påskehelg, får håpe på fint vær, slikat en får være mye ute og nyte våren og det som er begynt å gro frem.

Anne said...

Vidunderlig bilde av de røttene, fasinerende og til ettertanke i grunn...

Hilsen til deg fre et sykehus lengre nord ;-)

Kostas said...

Marvellous the post, very good first photograph, for the Odd Shots, beautiful second, him rewards the light blue nuance of flowers!

Katney said...

The roots of the tree are quite amazing, aren't they. I think someday when I am lacking a recent odd photo that I might post one I took a couple of years ago at Bryce Canyon National Park. It looks as if the tree is walking on stilts.

I will add you to my Odd Shots blogroll. You are welcome to participate. Just post an odd phto on Monday and post a comment at my blog to let us know it is there.

Paulie said...

Those roots certainly fit the bill for odd shots! Glad you joined us! I was late in getting mine up because of blogger problems again for 15 hours that I tried. I finally got it up and visited each one that participated. Hope you will drop by also.