Sunday, February 24

Stockholm, Second edition

Saturday, February 9. I wrote about the Capital of Norway as the Jungle City. Being in the Capital of Sweden with my camera I also shot some photos of the animals of Stockholm.
First the lonely Swan close to the Skeppsholm bridge:Close to Strøm bridge we found the remaining family with lots of friends:The closest we came to a jungle animal was this Crocodile eating the old buildings at the central station.In a Norwegian blogpost January 28th, I showed a sign for private parking of Norwegian sheep and goats. In Stockholm they have Parking rights for inhabitant cows. The gilding Owl we found (ref comments from GAWO some time ago) will be used in next ABCW - F.


Rune Eide said...

Ikke bare det, kyrne også må løse blå eller rød billett (eller er det de andre dyrene?)! Jeg må si at svenskene er avanserte!

Takk for en interessant tur - må visst besøke Stockholm oftere.

Anne said...

Så morsomt et innlegg da Arne.

Ja her var det virkelig mye å studere. Svensker er jo på en måte dyr, ikke sant... nærmere kyr enn krokodiller kankje...

GundaM said...

Flotte bilder, likte spesielt det første og det med "krokodillen" jeg da...

Ball,potetball...Kommer du fra da, nordvestlandet ettsted kanskje?
Er oppvokst med klæppfeskball,kjøtt å påsse og ikke minst; Bacalao jeg og da;)

Dick said...

They have a lot of friends indeed, very nice.